Madness of the Midnight Son

is my debut podcast, launching in 2025. It blends decades of home video, footage from award-winning short films, and interviews with my family to explore the intersection of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the resulting Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). Through the lens of my own ghost story, I dive deep into the personal process of writing my novel, The Midnight Son.

The podcast features the voice of my father, Don Taylor—a conflicted con man turned born-again pastor, who later returned to his gangster roots, claiming the distress I experienced in childhood was due to a curse. My mother, K.T. Froehlich, who tried to shelter me from her own haunting experiences, continues to contribute to writing our ghost stories together. Also featured is my childhood best friend, John Russel, a former Staff Sergeant for the Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency who worked with the NSA, distinguishing himself as a Team Chief with a quality control rate 300% above department average.

In between the release of these 30-minute, highly produced docudrama episodes, I will invite professionals from clinical fields to dive deeper into the themes explored on the show. These additional podcast episodes will feature experts expanding on the psychological aspects of the stories, and perhaps other individuals who are open to sharing their personal experiences with C-PTSD.

While Madness of the Midnight Son isn't your typical paranormal show and doesn’t shy away from psychological explanations, I’m not discounting my haunting entirely. I look forward to connecting with others who’ve lived with their own ghosts—real or metaphorical.

We’ll also engage with paranormal investigators, musing aspects that may not be easily explained by psychology alone. My hope is that by blurring the lines between psychological analysis and paranormal exploration, we can reach an audience that might benefit from perspectives outside of their usual algorithms.

Chances are if you grew up with a monster in your house, you might have a little C-PTSD yourself.

Maybe this podcast is for you…

Turn and face your monster